Sunday, February 17, 2008


Why is it that we're chemically programed for somethings, but nature can't just claim responsibility for everything? I think that's the great folly of the human being. We're too much a mixture of nature and nurture. How can things ever be straight forward and plainly said if we aren't even genetically straight forward?

I wish we lived in a world where speaking exactally what you thought at the exact time you thought it didn't offend anyone. Not to say that we should just belt out our most disgusting thoughts for the world to hear, but why can't relationships work that way? We always have to skirt around the issue. We don't ever say to each other, "I'm ridiculously attracted to you." No, it has to be worked artfully into conversations, generally labeled "flirting." Otherwise, we tend to feel that person is gauche; we're creeped out if they don't hit on us artfully. It's sick really. Because no man, no woman should ever have a chance with one another. Not with the way conversation works today.

I hate to even remember the last time I got excited about a relationship before it even started. It makes me physically want to vomit. It doesn't matter. They want what they can't have, and if you get too into it, they can have. And therefore, do not want. Beat me with a stick if I'm wrong.

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